Sunday, February 07, 2010


For nearly the past one decade, astrology formed one great all absorbing interest of my life. Though I started out as a sceptic, I gradually and albeit grudgingly came round to acknowledging the supreme efficacy of this art-science in addressing certain quandaries and quibbles in life, that would otherwise perhaps remain unanswered.

I call astrology an art-science, because it is neither purely left nor right brain intensive. Like Life itself, which it seeks to unriddle, astrology is one subject that seamlessly integrates arithmetic with intuition, to come out with such startling revelations that we are often left breathless and gaping by the swiftness and accuracy of the predictions.

So, next time, some one mentions exotic subjects like amoeba and astrology, please don't wrinkle up your nose in just might be what you are looking for!!!

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Dear Friends,

Though I opened this blog long long ago, I have started using it only today. so i am virtually a fresh blogger and I am planning to post a little something every do lookout and let me know your views..see you all..bye